Jason and I had plans to go out tomorrow night to celebrate, but with trips to Florida and Ohio coming up, we cancelled our dinner plans and I bought some steaks, instead. No Gram, not baked potatoes and corn on the cob this time...although that is my favorite, right?! Asparagus and Red Potato Casserole, instead. I bought a bottle of cheap wine, too, like $5.00, I think. And it's our favorite.
Hannah is officially signed up for preschool this fall (at least they cashed our check). They even have a class hamster the kids bring home for the weekend. How adorable is that?! It's a play-based preschool that I think will be perfect for our little girl. They also go on field trips to area stores and parks. I love that they take the kids out into the community.
Isaac has had some feeding issues as of late but continues to thrive. As of this week he's 10 pounds 10 ounces. He's always smiling and loves to talk with me back and forth. He's also started reaching for toys held in front of him and tries to put them in his mouth. He's also been sleeping 11 hours a night for a couple weeks. He gets his last bottle and goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes in the morning around 6am. Heavenly.
Off to hang with my hubby!
I am so glad to see you are blogging again! I miss seeing all the cute pics of your kids. I can't believe Isaac is sleeping 11 hours - I'm jealous!!
Miss you!
Woo-hoo, you're back!!! I missed you!! Your kids are so darn cute! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!!
Glad to see your back. Issaac is sure growing. Have a great weekend!!
I missed you TOO! WOW those babies just get cuter and cuter!
Isn't Isaac around the right age to get a little picky about eating? I think mine looked at me and said "You want me to eat...THAT???" Ah well, welcome to momhood, I guess. When boys are little we worry they're getting ENOUGH. When they're teens, we worry that we can't FIX ENOUGH. LOL.
We're starting the paperwork haul now to get speech therapy for Nolan. He may have some physical developments in his nose/throat/ears/neck that are making his speech unclear. We bit the bullet and signed up for BCMH to try to pay for the multiple specialists he'll see in the next few weeks. Ugh. Ah well, as mommies/advocates we have to do what's best for our babies, don't we... even if it's not so much fun.
Glad to see you back in blogland. HOpe you had a lovely Valentine's Day. Stop by our blog to see pics of the boys outside in the snow.
Katie in Ohio
Good to see you blogging again...why the change of heart...Valentines Day :).
yeah!!! I am so glad to see you've started a new blog of the kids--I bet you'll do better than I am currently at keeping up mine! I am so far behind it's embarrassing! Anyway, it's good to see new photos. Hope you're doing well and enjoying your weekend! Love ya!
Love the new pictures and of course glad you are back again.
This is a nice way to keep up with what is going on.
Love ya, Gram
10/10 oz... he looks so much bigger than that!
glad to see that you are back in blog world....you really are an inspiration to many of us!
I'm still working on the details for the baby born in SW Ohio two weeks ago. Have not heard an update from anybody as of yet.
Tiffany! Yay! I missed you!
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