Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please be in Prayer

When it rains, it pours. Please pray for the following struggles:

Papa continues to remain hospitalized. Jason is working from home tomorrow to stay with the kiddos while I go to Grand Blanc to bring my Papa some love and cheer. I'll be stopping in Lansing to pick up my brother so it'll be cool to see him, too.

My dear friend, Jeannie, who I met at the RMDH in Cleveland, has returned to Cleveland Clinic as her son has RSV. RSV is a VERY serious illness for our preemies to get.

We've learned some interesting things about Isaac's adoption process as of late that could cause serious problems. We are petitioning God for the TRUTH to be revealed. I know this sounds very cryptic, but our adoption is not finalized, yet, and we have not yet had the opportunity to share our concerns with the State of Ohio's licensing division. I mentioned a lot of concerns on our Life Support blog about the TERRIBLE agency we've had to work with during this process, and it continues to get WORSE.

Love and peace to each of you.

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