Monday, March 31, 2008


Papa came home from the hospital on Thursday, while I was there, along with my brother and mom and dad. It was nice to see everyone....we are rarely, (maybe once a year) all together at the same time and it felt good. Papa was in high spirits but tired and worn out. Gram has been sick, too, thankfully, my mom has been with them to help out. She'll be there all this week, too, to get things squared away before leaving.

My friend, Jeannie, and her son Grady, came home on Saturday. Jeannie is still under the weather, but Grady is doing well. RSV can be very dangerous but God kept our little Grady safe.

Thinking about heading to Grand Blanc again to visit Gram and Papa and my mom with the kids. Papa calls Isaac his "tiger" and that is about the cutest thing ever.

So, if I can get things taken care of here, this morning, we'll head out late this afternoon.

One of my good friends just had baby #4, Audra. Wow. I totally think we're done at 2. Much love, Janet. Miss ya!

Allright, better get on the laudry. That stuff really piles up, doesn't it?! Hannah's watching Caillou and Isaac needs to eat....gotta love being a SAHM!!!!!


Amy L said...

Glad to hear your Papa is doing better. Have a safe trip.


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. Travel blessings to you with the little ones... I dont' even like going to the store with all of them LOL.
Still praying for Ohio business stuff to work out soon.


Amy Noel said...

Hey! glad to hear from you! I had to turn the word authenticator on my blog too as I started getting weird comments. I'm finally caught up with it now, yeah! Glad to hear that your Papa is home and doing better. Hope things work out with this adoption stuff...what a ride it's been for you! Much love! Me and the boys are off to AZ to spend time with my folks.

Rachel Hammond said...

You have had quite the whirlwind lately...hope you were able to get some peace & quiet in the car today. Thinking about you...thanks for the card! :)


Joy said...
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Joy said...

Hey, you know how we were talking today about whinning? Maybe Hannah learned some of her whinning from Caillou :)? Sorry I can't stand that show! Have a good weekend!