Around the middle of April, my Mom & Dad (who live in Grand Blanc) came for a visit. We cooked out and had a very nice time. I love to see my kids with their grandparents!
We decided to try Isaac in the bike trailer a few weeks ago for the first time. We have to rig it a little bit...but it works! Other than Isaac trying to eat Hannah's arm, it was a fun time for all.
Just a cute pic of Isaac eating one of those nasty biter biscuits. He's eating baby food once a day, just for taste and texture. As a preemie, it's still very important for him to get a lot of calories, all of which come from his formula. So far, he's enjoying all the vegis and fruits. His OT came over last week and said he needed to move on from the preemie nipples we worked so hard to get. Go figure! I was worried he wouldn't be able to switch to a normal one, since he'd never been able to use one before, but, all the muscles he built up in his cheeks/chin with the preemie nipple made the transition go very well. Good job, buddy buddy!
And look what else he's doing! He started rolling from tummy to back and sitting up in the same week! Little stinker! He's also saying da-das, ra-ras and ya-yas. All of these are HUGE milestones he's accomplished. I think he waits until I'm completely freaked out that he's not doing something and then does it the next day.
Trying to re-arrange our budget to make room for Isaac and UJE, we're trying to do at-home date nights. After the kiddos go to bed, we share some wine and have a nice dinner and watch a movie. Jason does the grilling and I do the inside work. This time I made mashed redskin potatoes and they turned out great.
Ever heard of Letterboxing? Visit this site to check it out. In a nutshell, searching for a buried "treasure". TONS of fun, we all loved it and can't wait to go again. One-time monetary investment? $25. Time with the fam in the woods on a beautiful day? Nothin' better!
Hannah being all adorable while we were out letterboxing.
Thank you to all of you who sent cards, emails and left comments upon the loss of Papa. He was a wonderful person who I loved very much. We spent the weekend of his funeral with Gram and the rest of our extended family. Albeit a very difficult time, it was nice to spend time with family we don't often get to see. Papa served in the Army for 35 years and received a military funeral. His service to our country meant a great deal to him and seeing the military personnel and hearing the 21-gun salute was something I'll never forget. As with any loss, it will take time to heal, especially for Gram and my mom and my uncle. But, I know we'll all pull through. On a fun note, Gram got a new cat last week (she hasn't had a cat for many, many years). Her name is Tabitha and I can't wait to meet her! Love you, Gram. Love you lots.
The kids are doing well, although Isaac has a pretty bad cough. It's in his lungs. This is the worst he's been since the NICU and he's hanging tough. Still his smiley self.
The kids and I have been going to the Y every morning, M-F. On Wednesdays I don't work out, but M-T, Th-F I do. It's slow going...the weight isn't falling off, but I know it's worth it. Jason's been running in the evenings and trying to get to the Y a couple nights a week. This time in our lives it's just really about the kiddos. I'm trying to remember that they'll soon be in school and I'll wish for these days back.
We're having our first board meeting for UJE next Monday. I'm excited to move another step closer to making this a reality. We've sent out 10 care packages and are looking for the next family.
It's after 9, now, I better get on the laundry. Jason needs a white T shirt in the morning and the whites are still in the washer!
Boy isn't Isaac getting big, it is weird to see him sitting on his own! Don't get me started on the loosing weight thing...I just tell myself it is about being healthy, not loosing weight, but why can't we have both!
Hey, I loved the post with all of the pictures and notes. You need to quit worrying about losing weight as you are beautiful just the way you are. Ask Gram and she will tell you!!
I am trying to catch up on loose ends here. It is a bit over whelming but I do a little at a time and then "rest".
I do miss your Mom being here but I have to get used to the house, although with the cat she keeps things going for me. She flies though the house like a bat out of ---- and then drops on the floor. She had a experience with a squirrel this morning, it was on the vinyl by my window, she went crazy for the next hour trying to find it again.
THEN I saw a hummingbird twice this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well my game shows are coming on in 5 minutes so I have to get my pjs on and watch those and then at 8:00 they are having a "big" Price is Right show.
Good night, God Loves all of you and so do I!!!
Love Gram
Isaac is doing great! I would side with the ped. He seems happy anyway. Kydens teacher says she has CP but a doc wont diagnos it for another year. She is happy to and small 9 months 14 pounds.
I have a blog now! I started it for my oldest son who is having to leave our house for mental related reasons. I am so depressed. The blog is -Sherry
Isaac looks great!!!!!!!! He's getting so big! I'm so happy to hear he's doing well.
Katie- Aultman Parents' Group
Tiffany, are you not going to blog anymore? I keep checking. How are you and the kids doing? Would love updates with photos if you have the time. I have a 3 year old and a 3 week old so I know time is slim. Take care.
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