Florida was FANTASTIC. Jim, thank you for a wonderful vacation. We had a great time. And we have 289 photos to prove it.
Hannah loved the Magic Kingdom. Her favorite ride was the tea cups. I was spinning us around REALLY fast and she loved it. I think Jason was turning green but he made it through allright.
We sat by the pool, visited a local zoo and just relaxed. Isaac did great in his front carrier everywhere we went, but as soon as he was out of the carrier and in the condo, he was crying. That kid just loves to be held and talked to. Constantly.
The temperature was 70-80 everyday with a little rain here and there near the end of the week. The condo was awesome. Hannah loved to leave the screen door open to the patio and go outside and look for alligators (don't worry, we weren't near a water source). She did see quite a few lizards--they liked to hide under the air conditioner.
Jim was glad to relax in the evenings at the condo after the kiddos went to bed so Jason and I could spend some time together. We went out a couple nights and just drove and talked. It was great to be together. One night we went out for dinner (to celebrate my 30th birthday) and when we returned to the condo, Jason got sick. We think it was food poisoning. He had a rough night.
Back home, we decided to do some room re-arranging. We've spent most of the weekend organizing, cleaning and throwing away. We went to church last night and are ready to start a new week. I feel refreshed and rested. Bring it on!
Welcome home! So nice to see your photos. Makes me want to go there, too! even though I was just there! Glad you had such a nice vacation as a family. Love ya!
The kids look like they had a great time - Mom and dad too:-) The pictures were so fun!
Welcome home!
Glad to see you had such a wonderful time! You'll have so many fun memories of that time :-)
I'm so glad your family had a great time at Disney World. Hannah & Isaac look so good. Isaac is really growing.How is your Gram doing? I have been missing her comments.
Praying for your family daily.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri
Glad that you all had a good time and enjoyed your much needed vacation:) Sorry that Jason got sick..yuck.
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