Friday, March 21, 2008


I'm getting ready to head out and get my wisdom teeth pulled. All four of them. Gonna be lots of fun. Papa's here with Hannah and Isaac is going with a friend of mine. Jason's gonna go to a local WIFI spot while they're ripping my teeth out.

Wish me luck!


Gina Marie said...

I will be praying for you Tiffany. I had mine out a few years ago myself - God be with you!

-in AZ

Gina Marie said...
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Ohio_Momto3boys said...

OH YUCK! What a way to celebrate... chocolate bunnies will have to wait.

Thinking of you...

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Praying for you. The best advise I have is to live the first 24 to 48 hours with ice packs on both cheeks. Go to bed with it, keep it on as much as possible. I did this and had minimal swelling and no bruising. Hope it works for ya!!

Lizze said...

I hope everything went well! *hugs*

Jeannie said...

I feel for you! I had mine cut out a few years ago & it was horrible. I have talked to some people who didn't have a lot of trouble, though, hopefully you are one of them!

Gram said...

Hey there girl how are ya doin????

Papa suggested that I call and I told him "no" as you are probably not a happy camper!! I pray that the swelling and pain leave right away!!

Can you believe Papa's new lung doctor stopped by the house again today to check on him. He is satisfied as he is no longer hearing stuff from the lungs so he (the doctor) feels he is doing better. He is starting taking him down on the prednizone/medrol which makes Papa happy.

Well nothing else new around here, Happy Easter to "all" of you!! It sounds like Jay and Suzie will be here for dinner around 2ish!!

Good night for now as I want to get my pj's on as the Ten Commandments is coming on at 7 Pm. I will probably not make it through the whole thing as I "think" it is 4 hours I am not sure without checking. I have seen it before but enjoy it every year. We saw the last part of the KIng and I last night!!

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

The Claar Family said...

Oh, not so fun :( Although, it isn't too bad for very long. My worst memories are taking the huge horsepills they gave me for pain. I hope you recover well and recover quickly without needing many painkillers!

P.S. Let someone take a picture of'll be good for a smile and a laugh down the road - even if nothing is funny right now ;)