After we checked into the hotel in Canton, we made a visit to Aultman Hospital where Isaac was born and where we met him for the first time when he was a week old. Linda, the nurse pictured here, was Isaac's nurse the first night I met him. During his stay at Aultman, I was always thrilled when Linda had him. She was always kind and sensitive. Linda will always hold a special place in my heart.
On Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch with Chip and Sharon and their family. Chip and Sharon graciously offered to let us stay with them for several weeks before Isaac was tranferred to Rainbow Babies. They are such wonderful people. We had a great time with them and were so thankful to have met them. We look forward to keeping in touch with them over the years.
On Saturday afternoon we went to visit our friends we met at the Ronald McDonald House, Ken & Jeannie. Their son, Grady, was born two months early and had a heart transplant before his due date. Both boys are doing well and it was great to see our friends again. We're hoping to make it to their house again this summer.
On Monday we made our way north to Akron for Isaac's finalization hearing. This is us waiting outside the courtroom.
This is our family pic inside the courtroom after we were finished. We love you, Isaac!
Isaac's finalization is complete and he in now legally our son! It's a great feeling to be finished with the process. I feel like a bigger weight has been lifted than I did with Hannah. Not sure why.
We had a wonderful time in Ohio catching up with old friends. I didn't get a pic of our friends at the McKinley Grand Hotel (big mistake) but we had a great time there, too. It was nice to see everyone and for everyone to see Isaac (all for the first time). I would love to make a trip to Ohio every year. Hopefully, we can make that happen. Next time, we'll have to stop by Cleveland, too.
On another note, Papa remains in the hospital. Along with his heart and lung problems, he now has pneumonia. Gram continues to visit him everyday. We continue to pray for God's will in Papa's life. Loads of love to my Gram and Papa.
And one more thing....within the last two weeks, Isaac has started playing with his toes and blowing bubbles. Two big things for our little buddy, buddy. He'll be seeing his pediatrician this week and hopefully we'll get that referral I've been wanting....
Many blessings to everyone.
Sorry we missed you. Hopefully we can get together next time you are in Ohio. I will be praying for your grandpa & for Isaac.
Congrats on Isaac's finalization!! Hooray! We were thinking about you today - playing outside and wishing you guys were around! Glad to hear you are having a good trip though...
Congratulations on Isaac's adoption being finalized! How exciting that must feel! May God bless your lives together! He's a blessed little boy to have found a family in you and I'd say your very blessed to have him as well!
I've kept up with your story and haven't commented in a long time, but wanted to let you know how happy I am for all of you!
Also, I hope that your grandpa starts feeling well soon! God Bless him, your grandma and all of your family!
Tiffany, congratulations on all the final stuff for Issac to be finally all yours. God Bless your family.I'm also praying for your grandpa.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri
The Evans...officially a family of four! I wanted to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on Isaac's finalization. I wish that I could have been there! I'm glad the weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Call me after Isaac's doctors appointment when you have time.
What a great feeling to have Isaac's adoption finalized! Yea for you! :) Glad you had a nice trip to Ohio. I'm thinking about your Grandparents and family, too. Love ya!
Yay! Congrats on the finalization! Congrats to Isaac for the big new "tricks"! :) *hugs to all*
Hooray! Congrats on everything coming together for you to now move on as a family.
Praying for your grandpa too.
Gina in AZ
still reading! this is incredible!
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