Sweeties...just took this tonight in the front yard....
June: First bath together...cuties!
July: Trip to Pentwater, MI with friends
At Lake Michigan beach in Pentwater
July: Happy 1st birthday, buddy!
Opening gifts
Things have been crazy busy and I don't think I could even try to recount all that we've been up to!
First off, we celebrated Hannah and Isaac's birthdays on Sunday (Hannah turned 3 on July 14...yesterday and Isaac turned 1 on July 15...today). We had a great time. Hannah wanted a princess cake...she really put me to work! Isaac had a cupcake and wasn't too thrilled with it. They both received plenty of wonderful gifts (better get on those thank you notes....) and it was long enough to visit and short enough that we were still able to take Hannah out for a birthday date to her first movie, Horton Hears a Who. She wanted Panera for dinner and then had popcorn and pink lemonade at the theatre. It was a fantastic day.
Issac is now 8 months adjusted (the age they expect him to be developmentally) and 12 months corrected (his chronological age). He's rolling over both ways, getting to sitting and sitting by himself, crawling and (sometimes) pulling himself up to standing. He's still on his $47/per can formula (and will be until he's 12 months adjusted) but eats babyfood 1x per day for taste/texture. We actually moved to Stage 3 babyfood tonight and he did great. He eats Cheerios, applesauce and has had chopped bananas. He's doing great. He has an appointment at a specialty clinic at the end of August...I'm interested to hear what they'll have to say. He continues to have a physical therapist come 1x/week (every few weeks in the summer) and she is very happy with his progress. Considering all the problems he had while in the NICU, this boy is really doing wonderful. In fact, he's never been to the doctor because of an illness since he came home in December. Talk about a miracle.
I've been reflecting a lot lately on our stay in Ohio. In about a week it will be a year since we first met Isaac. And we've all come such a long way.
We'll actually be leaving home again in January for 6 months as Jason will complete his JAG school training for the National Guard. We've just started planning so I'm sure the blogging will pick up again once we know more and then once we leave.
The kids and I have been hitting the YMCA 4-5 mornings a week and we're loving it. I'm in shape, feeling good, and the kids are playing and having fun. Jason continues to work in Lansing and then hits the Y in the evening.
We've visited with friends both close by and far away, spent time with family and just enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Until Journey's End is TAKING OFF in an awesome way. We have a full board of directors, now, and have our tax exempt application slated to be mailed in August. We have a new website about to go live and a passion for serving families in medical crisis that's going to send this thing over the edge. We are really excited to see what God has planned for UJE.
Thanks for following along, I know the posts are few and far between, but I do appreciate all of you and the dedication you've shown our family.